Tuesday, October 27, 2009

today mabye my last writing 4 this blog b4 madam nadra check 4 the last time but i will continue my writing as long as this blog still exist.......ok wish me luck soon......luv u all

created by far_yan

Saturday, October 24, 2009

this is our picture at dinner wood tech...i feel happy and enjoy as this is my 1st time dinner at uitm.. At that time, I involved in 1 show as all part one must take part in it..my group were doin' pentomen, and i act as a "kak peah"..hahaha..thats were very fun and i love to do it again..But,the funniest thing is the dinner start at 8 pm and my friend n I arrived at 9.30 pm..our KP pun dtg awal..hahaha...padan muka,last2 xdapat mkn...tu la,sape suruh make-up lebih2...adoiiii!!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

How to improved our bel 120????

English is one of the lingua franca used in whole worldbesides french.The
importance of english language cannot benied at all as we use it in everday life.Therefore, it is important for us to improved our english.This is the ways i use to improved my bel 120..

Firstlly,the way i can do for improved my bel 120 is by reading.This is because,when i read a book i will get alot of imformation and also can improved my english.
For instance, by reading a jurnal book, magazines and news paper.

Besides that, a good way to help me improved my bel 120 is by joining a study group.In
study group, we will be able to share our knowledge with others and clear our doubts on problematic issue at the same time.For example by do grammar excercise and writing excercise.

Finally, the other way is by speaking.This is because, when we always try to speak eventhough
our english is broken, but from days to day it can make our english language become better.
For example, in class i try to speak or if i with my friend i also try to speak with them.

In conclusion, the above ways how can i improvedmy bel 120 besides, it can help me to past
the examinatin very well it also cam improved my english language.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

a....4 da bel120

today i share with u about my preparation 4 my final bel120 exam,i think a deserve tob get a becouse i do many exercise,in da future if i not a 4 my bel exam n t more than i want,i sastified cuse i will tried my very2 work hard..........but now i want my very best n i want vs with other friend in my classs.........all peole deserve to get A in bel120,but depnds 4 individuaf they work hard theyb can achieve sucessful,i pray all my class can get A bel120,n my lecture can proud n i went make book of record uitm pahang,all student asd1tA got a bel120...amin.....k wish me luck 4 exam n i pray all my friend cando the exam very well.....daaa.........



hello....see u all again....ok,today i have receive one title from my lecturer....'how to improve my English languange'....actually,its like an assigment for me and also for my friends in my class....its look like simple topic but for me....its complicated....mmmmm.......for u all information,to improve my english languange...i think i have to read a lot of English book and hearing the most English song.....every week,i and my roommate will study together and we will changes our opinions by each other..sometimes,my friends also will open the radio and turn to 'mix.fm'...in that radio channel,i can hear a lot of English song and my favouite song is 'the day u went away'by M2M..it's very best song...so,its can help me to improve my English languange...other than that,i have not to be lazy to open the dictionary....it is because dictionary will help me to find any word that i don't know its meaning.....so,from the dictionary,its make me easy to do any writting exspecially for my practise for everyday.....i will take the final exam on next week and i feel very worry about that......actually my English is very low from i Form 1 until now...i feel very sad with my English subject...i don't know that my method to improve my Endlish can help me or not,but i must always try to do something for my success........and my future.........k,thats all from meeee..........thank you...............

Monday, October 12, 2009

something about me..............!!!!!!!!!

today,i want to introduce something about my self....ok,first...my full name is Norhidayu bt Zakariya......actually i come from Bandar Seri Iskandar,Perak......i am 18 years old..i have 3 sibling and my family member is father,mother,my elder brother and my younger brother.....me??i'm only a daugther in my family.....ermmmm,so boring.......but i'm very happy because sometime i can get what i want without any gap...hihihi.....and then my family actually come from Melaka.....so,every time that we want to celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri,we will go back to Melaka....ermmm.........i'm so happy because i have two town.....in perak and melaka.......ok thats all....from me.....

Saturday, October 10, 2009

My cute SHIN CHAN baby........

hey....!!!!!look in that baby picture....same like the character of shin chan.......so Cuteeee...........he's from japanese......it's not posible to be like this.....

sO Amazing.....!!!!!!

even fire praises ALLAH.......

Favourite actresss.........

hello....i'm back again...today i want to tell u about my favourite artist.....u know who in the picture above??haaa....she is Erra Fazira....very pretty woman for me.....did u remember with my favourite cartoon??barbie........barbie animation is my favourite cartoon...u all try to look at eRRa face,same like a barbie.....so cute and beautiful........actually,i think Erra is more beautiful than the barbie cartoon....moreover...she's a human but barbie is just in fantasy....not exist!!!!ermmm.....

Thursday, October 8, 2009

i like this grafic so much......
sooo cutee and nice....
Peace yOoo =)
"the smell of grass can make u free from anything that can make your emotional problem....
when u have a problem try to stay away from the other, take a breath, and think positive...
coz what happen in your life must have the reason why...."

the word above i get from my fwen who always advice and make me calam down when i have
a problem and she always help me when i need some one to hear my happy and sad story, in stdy...
emmmm actually i have a problem now...
and i dont know how to solve it....
untill now i still find the best ways to solve my problem....
i really hope that i can get the way to solve that....
music save my soul....
the world will destroyed if no music in there...
my world become dark if i didnt heard any music.....
music is everything to me...

Peace yooO.... =)

this is the winner of suffle compotision at city square(johor bharu) on 27th dicember2007...
s.y suffle gruop is my fav...
i like their own stytle when they start to dance...

since last week, i'm very buzy with my test, assigment and also my speaking test...

i dont think so that i can do my best in my speaking test...

i dont know why i cannot answer the question even i've learn all the question in my class....

my mind was blocked!!... perhaps im too excited to take the test examination...


emmmm from now on, i must do alot of excersice coz the due date of final examination just

around the corner...

hopely i can do all the qustion soon very well....


who are this???
this is Agnes monica from indonesia...
I like to be like her...
i like watching her acting on sinetron Matahariku...
she look so cute and humble...
her carier as a singer, acting, modeling was so successful..
i was hoping that one day i can be like her...
i want to have my carier and success in my life...
Agnes monica as my role model...

gOOd Daysss.................

Monday, October 5, 2009

Favourite cartoon.......!!!!!!!!

THIS IS MY 'FAVOURITE CARTOON'...........very cute and beautiful barbie.......