Friday, October 16, 2009

How to improved our bel 120????

English is one of the lingua franca used in whole worldbesides french.The
importance of english language cannot benied at all as we use it in everday life.Therefore, it is important for us to improved our english.This is the ways i use to improved my bel 120..

Firstlly,the way i can do for improved my bel 120 is by reading.This is because,when i read a book i will get alot of imformation and also can improved my english.
For instance, by reading a jurnal book, magazines and news paper.

Besides that, a good way to help me improved my bel 120 is by joining a study group.In
study group, we will be able to share our knowledge with others and clear our doubts on problematic issue at the same time.For example by do grammar excercise and writing excercise.

Finally, the other way is by speaking.This is because, when we always try to speak eventhough
our english is broken, but from days to day it can make our english language become better.
For example, in class i try to speak or if i with my friend i also try to speak with them.

In conclusion, the above ways how can i improvedmy bel 120 besides, it can help me to past
the examinatin very well it also cam improved my english language.

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